Williamstown Theatre Festival

"The email and SMS notifications are very useful. It allows us to just scan packages and know that we don't have to track everyone down."

Sam H.

Asst. Production Manager

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USA, Massachusetts

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SMS Notifications


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Decluttering the mailroom or reception

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Free up time for the team to focus on value added work and creating a better experience for students

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Save time calling each recipient individually to collect their deliveries

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Stop parcels from getting lost or misplaced in the mailroom or reception


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Adds accountability and prevents parcel loss by automatically collecting records regarding parcel handoffs and handling.

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Automated email/SMS notifications and reminders when parcels are ready for collection

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Improved communication sped up collection times and decluttered the reception

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Camera based scanning cuts down on manually logging parcels and freed the team's time

The Williamstown Theatre Festival has since 1955 brought together America's finest actors, directors and playwriters in their summer festival. Such large and well-run festival requires operation perfection to set up, lots of equipment and deliveries. Sam, an Assistant Production Manager at the Williamstown Theatre Festival has to ensure that once deliveries arrived on site they would be handled in a timely manner and the recipient would be informed of the delivery.

Sam would spend considerable amounts of time tracking down the recipients of the parcels and chasing them up to ensure that they collected their deliveries, Over time this caused the reception and receiving areas to clutter, and some parcels to go missing. The latter can be critical, imagine losing an important piece of set or equipment.

With the introduction of Parcel Tracker, Sam and the production team were able to set up a digital process that automate most of their chasing up, and keep a detailed record of deliveries.

“The Parcel Tracker team has been very responsive and willing to help us problem solve and come up with solutions.” – Sam H, 2nd Asst. Production Manager

Quick and easy to start logging parcels

The Williamstown Theatre Festival is an annual festival, by its nature a large proportion of the staff changes every year. Sam needed to find a solution that was easy to set up, and even easier to use. The staff using Parcel Tracker would have to be able to pick it up and be using it within minutes.

The entire Williamstown Theatre Festival production parcel management team were able to self-service, train themselves up using the extensive parcels tracker knowledge base and videos. Parcel Tracker also offered remote training session, but WT Festival didn’t require them.

Multi-channel Notifications

Williamstown Theatre Festival have configured Parcel Tracker to send out SMS and email notification to the recipients. As the teams receiving are consistently on their moves, SMS notifications tend to be more practical, and collection times are sped up.

Some More Success Stories

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Lancaster University uses Parcel Tracker to completely digitize parcel management, automate reminders, and reduce waste.

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With the introduction of Parcel Tracker, the previously manual and paper-based process was automated and digitised.

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Abodus Student Living uses Parcel Tracker at their flagship student village.














